How to sell your NFT (on algoxnft)

Desperately need liquidity to buy more ButtCoin? Bought too many NFTS and you now need some cash for groceries? Well here we learn how to sell your NFTs. 

*n.b ROI not guaranteed when selling NFT’s nor is the possibility of even selling them. Do Your Own Research (DYOR) when chosing which NFTs to buy. 

1. Go to AlgoxNFT and click “connect wallet” at the top right

2. Connect your Pera or MyAlgo wallet

3. Once your wallet is connected hit the top right corner where your wallet number is listed to bring up your options. From there make sure you are on the NFT tab. This will show you all the NFTs you hold in this wallet.

4. If you’re on mobile, scroll until you find the NFT you would like to sell and hit “sell”. For desktop, find the NFT you want, click it and find the sell button. 

5. Set whether you want to do an auction sell or a buy now.

Auction sell allows you to set a minimum amount but then the sale goes to highest bidder.

Buy now just makes it a set amount buy at amount transaction.

Then set your price as well as set a % of the sample that will go to the creator of the NFT. (Proper courtesy is to set at 5% or higher, however many have other opinions on this topic)

6. Select “create”
7. A similar page will be up. You now need to select “Send NFT”. Then follow the prompts through your wallet to sign the transactions that will send the NFT to AlgoxNFT. They will hold the NFT until it is sold. Once sold they will transfer the NFT to the seller and the Algo to you. (Note: I did not actually list this NFT)
8. To see your listed NFTs that you have for sale go back to your wallet page and hit the “Buy Now” tab.
9. In the “Buy Now” tab you will be able to see all the NFTs that you have up for sale. Here you can make price updates as well as remove the NFT from listing.